“Finding Our Voice” – AVM Conference Programme 2013
- 23rd October 2013
- Regus, 1 Ropemaker Walk London EC2Y
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Conference Overview
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Welcome Address
- Heather Baumohl
- Chair of Association of Volunteer Managers
Opening address – Finding Our Voice!
- Fiona Dawe, CBE
- Consultant, Coach and Facilitator
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Learning from volunteers about volunteer management
- Helen Timbrell
- Volunteering and Community Involvement Director, National Trust
In this two part session Helen first shares experiences of conducting surveys of volunteers by sharing the approach used at the National Trust. Focussing on headline results from the NT she will share the way in which these results have supported cultural change around volunteering in the organisation and driven improvements in volunteer management.
The second part of the session shares learning from working with Wally Harbert, an experienced volunteer and author of Baby Boomers and the Big Society, and discusses how qualitative research with volunteers can help improve volunteer management and shape organisational thinking around volunteering.
Connecting, Learning, Sharing
- Sue Jones and Chris Huffee
- VM Movement
Join Sue and Chris as they provide an overview of some of the leading networking tools for managers of volunteers; including how to make the most of the dedicated Volunteer Management weekly tweet chat and discussion known as Thoughtful Thursdays #ttvolmgrs The session will cover why it is important to connect, learn and share on-line and to help make this meaningful and relevant to your role.
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The value of volunteer managers
- Rob Jackson
- Independent Consultant
In this workshop Rob will guide you through some context about the role of leaders and managers of volunteers in the 21st century as well as give you some key facts and figures about the value VMs bring to their organisations. Through discussion in small groups you will explore how you can make the case for VMs in your organisation and consider the key actions AVMs and peers could take after today.
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Volunteer Engagement versus Volunteer Management: have we got the emphasis right for the future?
Chaired by Nikki Squelch, Head of Volunteering Development at the Alzheimer’s Society.
- Ruth Bravery, Director of Volunteering and Community Involvement at Marie Cure Cancer Care
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- Steven Howlett, Academic and Author of “Volunteer and the Society in the 21st Century”
- Tiger de Souza, Head of Volunteering at NSPCC
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Collecting Data – Lessons from Volunteer Counts
Roger Parry, Director of Agenda Consulting
[slideshare id=27637130&doc=volunteerscountpresentationtoavm231013-131028024134-phpapp02]
Closing Address
Heather Baumohl
Personalisation Agenda
A discussion lead by Nikki Squelch from the Alzheimer’s Society to consider the impact that personal budgets and the call for community involvement will have on volunteering.
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Defining the profession
Lead by Debbie Usiskin and Heather Baumohl
When we talk about professionalisation we mean the movement towards self governance of standards and practice. Professionalisation raises standards of practice by raising the capacity of practitioners and facilitates the development of an infrastructure that fosters genuine professional development and career long enhancement of the capacities and contribution of each individual professional practitioner. By the end of this session we will have started the ball rolling and begun to lay out the principles of a code of professional practice for managers of volunteers.