AVM is an innovative and forward-thinking organisation, and we’d love to chat to you if you want to volunteer with us in any way.

The success of AVM is dependent on the support of our volunteers, and there are countless ways you can be part of this. Whether you’re looking to help out “here and there”, supporting or running a project, or playing an active role in shaping our future, roles are very much shaped around your skills and interests, and the level of time and energy that you’re looking to put in.

To give an indication of how you might wish to get involved, we’ve shown our key focus areas below. We’re very open to suggestions however, so please don’t let this restrict your thinking. We want you to feel as valued as we are grateful for your support – it’s for you to decide where and when to get involved.

We also have the following volunteering opportunities:

If you’d like to find out more about any of the roles listed above or one of our key focus areas listed below, please complete the online enquiry form below, and we’ll get in touch for a chat.

I love being involved in something really important

“I love being involved in something really important, useful and inspirational for AVM and its’ members. It is always great to see the conference come together and share in something really positive for the sector.”

Sally Seddon
Volunteer Engagement Manager, Shared Interest Society

Our key focus areas

Events and conference

We’d love to hear from you if you have skills in the following:

  • Event planning and organisation
  • Event support
  • Conference planning and organisation
  • Conference support
  • Sharing your experience and speaking at an event
  • Sharing your experience and being interviewed for AVM BiteSize

AVM is led by its members. Our conference and events are planned an organised by small groups of volunteers, led by Board members. The basic level of commitment is low but there is scope to get more involved if you wish. Find out more about our conference and events.


We’d love to hear from you if you have skills in the following:


We’d love to hear from you if you have skills in the following:

  • Marketing
  • Membership development
  • Mentoring another AVM members
  • Would like to help run our member-only events

AVM is led by its members. Our membership is lead by one of our Board members, and supported by a small group of volunteers. The basic level of commitment is low but there is scope to get more involved if you wish.

Peer support

We’d love to hear from you if you are interested in leading a networking group. Whether it’s geographically-based or sector-specific, online or offline, we can help you set up a group for AVM members’ to network.

The AVM Board

Applications to join the Board can be made prior to the October AGM where AVM Directors are appointed. You can express an interest to be notified when applications go live.

Get in touch

Know how you want to volunteer with AVM? Great! You can complete the short form below.

Want to find out a bit more? Brilliant! Get in touch and we can discus over email, or arrange an informal chat about how you’d like to be involved with AVM. Contact us.