Thursday 23 January 2025 | 9.30am to 12.30pm | Online via Zoom
Ticket prices: Members £27 | Non-members £43
Effective communication is key to attracting, engaging, and retaining volunteers.
This event will empower you to:
- Craft compelling messages and learn how to create a positive brand awareness and stand out on social media, in the press, and through emails
- Develop techniques to ensure existing volunteers feel valued, appreciated, involved and encouraged to spread the word
- Gain confidence in storytelling through online and offline methods to connect with existing volunteers, restore their enthusiasm, and motivate them to stay engaged
- Learn how to use Canva in an interactive workshop to produce digital and printed materials
- Design eye-catching diverse posters and online graphics to capture the attention of your target audience and recruit new volunteers
About the presentation
Impactful Storytelling
This session will explore how Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS) embed storytelling in attracting, engaging, and retaining volunteers. Robyn will look at the different methods used to create compelling content for social media, in the press, and through emails and draw on examples of collaborative work to increase the chain of support for CHHS.
It will include:
- Examples of three volunteer stories with reference to sourcing, storytelling and sharing
- Sourcing process and how to empower Volunteer Managers and colleagues to spot stories
- The importance of storytelling including ethical storytelling and building a narrative
- Tips for sharing stories through local media, social media and internally
Robyn Donoghue, Content and Digital Marketing Officer at CHSS, works across the organisation to create content and share stories of people with chest, heart, stroke conditions and long covid. The organisation works to help people live life to the full. Through digital marketing the team aims to reach more people with our conditions, raise vital income to fund services and support new relationships for supporters and volunteers. Robyn has previously worked with Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action, and other third sector organisations, supporting charities and community groups by connecting opportunities and distributing grant funding.
About the workshop
Create with Canva
This interactive workshop will dive into how to use this web-based design tool to enhance your volunteer recruitment and retention.
Learn how to successfully use Canva to attract new volunteers and retain existing ones. The workshop consists of two 45 minute sessions. Katy will show participants how to use Canva to create digital assets and materials for offline use such as posters and volunteer handbooks. There will be a break before the second session where participants will have the opportunity to create a digital and print-ready asset to support recognition of current volunteers by the end of the session.
Canva is a great, free tool that enables you to create professional-looking media such as posters, event flyers, slide shows, cards, certificates and social media images. Canva is designed to be accessible for users of all levels, from beginners to experienced designers – this workshop will enable you to gain confidence in its use and you will learn how to create engaging and eye-catching materials to enhance engagement with your current and future volunteers.
Katy Penman, Trainer, Facilitator and Investing in Volunteers Assessor, has 25 years of experience working in standard-setting and quality improvement across a range of settings and is an Investing in Volunteers (IIV) Assessor with Volunteer Scotland. In addition to this role, Katy is a freelance trainer working with others in the Third Sector to embed high quality and improvement methodology across all aspects of their work, with a focus on volunteering and public engagement. She also works on a part time basis for Link Living, a trauma-informed Scottish health and wellbeing charity, where she is responsible for the design and delivery of leadership and trauma-skilled practice training and qualifications.
AVM Members’ Discount
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