I’m pleased to announce that AVM, in partnership with nfpSynergy, has just recruited its first full time employee.
To grow our range of events, seminars and conferences we’ve employed Abigail Cooper in the role of Events Manager. Having worked on our plans for over a year we know Abigail will be a huge asset to our work, and allow us to do more events, in more places, on more topics.
We know there is demand for the growth in volunteer management and leadership expertise from both large and small organisations and we aim to fill the gap in the market and support volunteer managers.
Abigail’s appointment will also increase our capacity, freeing up directors to focus on reviewing our membership model to include organisations, not solely individuals, to create a sustainable platform for growth.
To help us make this move nfpSynergy have offered office space, administrative support and professional services during the first year.
With a greater programme of events, we believe we can grow our income, increase our impact, and support the appetite for training and CPD from the volunteering development sector. We think it’s a win/win for AVM, and hope you’ll join us in welcoming Abigail.
AVM Hires First Employee To Grow Events Programme

Congratulations on your first staff member. Wishing Abigail lots of success!
from all at JVN